Townley, L.R., Barr, A.D., and Nield, S.P. (1992), FlowThru: An Interactive Program for Calculating Groundwater Flow Regimes Near Shallow Surface Water Bodies, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Technical Memorandum 92/1, Version 1.1, 85pp., plus software.

FlowThru provides a general framework for classifying groundwater flow patterns near elongated surface water bodies. The program recognises a large number of distinct flow regimes (seventeen flow-through, eleven discharge and eleven recharge flow regimes) which can occur under different regional flow and recharge conditions. Although developed with shallow lakes in mind, the program can also be applied to wetlands, rivers, streams, canals, channels and drains. The main uses of the program are (i) for determining the depths of groundwater capture zones near shallow water bodies (analogous to the problem of wellhead protection), and (ii) as an educational tool, to allow users to visualise flow patterns near surface water bodies.

A revised Version 1.2 of this report was released in August 1994, and is available for download.


Copyright © 2005 by Lloyd Townley
Last revised: 27 June 2018